
Tags are simple objects with a variety of uses. A tag has a textual description and an icon.

Tags are independent objects. The exist apart from other objects. They’re like adornments you can put on objects.

  • Categorize objects by assigning a tag to their category field.
  • Add tags to a page (i.e., grid-type page).

Tag icons

A tag may have an image or a color icon. Color icons are useful for quick visual identification from among many objects. They are often used for category tags.

Selecting a color or image

When creating or editing a tag, you’re presented with a dialog where you can select whether the tag should have an image or a color icon. By default, the color selector button (left) is enabled. To select an image icon instead, you must enable the image selector button (right). The arrow button (middle) enables / disables the color button and the image button.

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